Introducing pyconn-monitor: Monitor Network Connections from Untrusted Programs

In today’s interconnected world, it’s essential to be cautious when running untrusted or third-party programs on your system. These programs might inadvertently (or maliciously) leak sensitive data or establish unauthorized connections with remote servers, posing a potential security risk. To address this concern, we’re thrilled to introduce pyconn-monitor, a Python library and command-line tool that allows you to monitor and log network connections made by any program or Python script.

What is pyconn-monitor?

pyconn-monitor is a versatile tool designed to help you keep an eye on the network connections made by programs or scripts running on your system. By monitoring these connections, you can identify potential data leaks or unauthorized communication with remote servers, ensuring that your system remains secure and your data remains private.

Key Features:

  1. Network Connection Monitoring: pyconn-monitor monitors and logs all network connections made by the specified program or Python script, capturing essential details such as timestamps, local and remote addresses, and connection status.
  2. Cross-Platform Support: Whether you’re running on Windows or a Unix-like operating system, pyconn-monitor has got you covered.
  3. Command-Line Interface: pyconn-monitor comes with a user-friendly command-line interface, making it easy to incorporate into your workflows and scripts.
  4. Python Library: In addition to the command-line tool, pyconn-monitor can be used as a Python library, allowing you to integrate it into your existing Python projects seamlessly.

Getting Started with pyconn-monitor

Installation is a breeze thanks to pip:

pip install pyconn-monitor

Once installed, you can start monitoring programs or Python scripts right away using the pyconn-monitor command:

# Monitor a program and log connections to connections.log
pyconn-monitor /path/to/program -l connections.log

# Monitor a Python script
pyconn-monitor /path/to/ -p -l connections.log

Alternatively, you can use pyconn-monitor as a Python library:

from pyconn_monitor import monitor_connections

# Monitor a program and log connections to connections.log
monitor_connections("/path/to/program", "connections.log")

# Monitor a Python script
monitor_connections("python /path/to/", "connections.log")

For more advanced usage and configuration options, please refer to the project’s documentation and README file on GitHub.

Contribute to pyconn-monitor

We welcome contributions from the community! If you encounter any issues or have ideas for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

Stay Secure, Stay Informed

In an era where data privacy and security are paramount, pyconn-monitor empowers you to monitor and understand the network connections made by untrusted programs or scripts. By keeping a watchful eye on these connections, you can ensure that your system remains secure and your data remains protected.

Give pyconn-monitor a try today and take the first step toward a more secure and informed computing experience!

See ya!

2 thoughts on “Introducing pyconn-monitor: Monitor Network Connections from Untrusted Programs”

    • technically you can, but you need to do some coding. You cna get inspired by the cybergard persona in cybersecurity category. It monitors security logs, you can do the same for whole folders or even drives. Whenever something changes, the AI can spot it and do whatever you want it to do


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